The world of the Witcher is filled with many different kinds of monsters, but also different kinds of peoples. You can learn more about the humanoid races, which players can choose for their character, on this page.
Human and Humanlike
Mutant refers to creatures that have been physically altered by magic or alchemy. Most commenly it is ...Human
Humans are the dominant race on the Continent, forming the majority of inhabitants in both the Northern ...Half-Elf
A half-elf is a child of a human and an elf or of two half-elves. Half-elves inherit characteristics ...?
-Elder Races
Elder RacesHalfling
Halflings, sometimes called hobbits and in Elder Speech Pherian, are one of the non-human races and, ...Gnome
Gnomes are an old and noble race, one of the Elder Races, which came to be the first to populate the ...Elf
Elves are one of the humanoid races that inhabit the Continent. Forming a major part of the Elder Races ...Dwarf
Dwarves are one of the humanoid races. Together with gnomes and elves they are called the Elder Races, ...Not sure what to play yet?
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